Below are some questions frequently asked by clients and prospective clients, which we hope you'll find useful. If you need further information or would to talk with us, we'd be delighted to hear from you.
You must ensure that your domain name is unique. You may lease a domain name that only differs by the suffix, or common mistypes of the name. Normally one name may be assigned the main features of the website, whilst the others simply act as 'pointers', and point at the main domain name. Domain names are not purchased, but are leased for periods of usually two or more years. The lessee or 'owner' of the domain then has the right to renew and continue ownership of an acquired domain name for as long as they want, so long as the renewal fees are maintained.
If you already have your domain registered with another company such as 123-Reg or GoDaddy, you can transfer them to Freetimers' control for a more complete package of management for your entire website. For top level domains (such as .com) an Authorisation code must be exchanged. This can take up to a week and depends on responses from authorisers. For Nominet domains (such as an IPS (Internet Provider Security) tag must be changed from the current one to our own tag, which is 'FREETIMERS' (all capitals). This happens as soon as the tag is released to Freetimers, which should not take more than 24 hours.
A domain name can have many different suffixes such as .com, .net or, each having different costs and market targets. Top level domains cost more and are not country-specific. Nominet domains are specific to the UK and contain .uk in the name. More and more suffixes are being approved each year such as .pro, .name and .travel, but these will cost a little more.
A domain name is basically a unique address on the Internet. Domain names are issued by International and nationally based Registrars who have been authorised to manage names, and they have to follow agreed standards regarding disputes, lapses and renewals, and also for ensuring every domain name is unique. A domain name can have many different suffixes such as .com, .net or, and several of these can all 'point' to the same webspace. Normally one name may be assigned the main features of the website, whilst the others simply act as 'pointers', and point. Domain names are not purchased, but are leased for periods of usually two or more years. The leasee or 'owner' of the domain then has the right to renew and continue ownership of an aquired domain name for as long as they want, so long as the renewal fees are maintained.
Should you wish to set up and lease a domain name, and perhaps some pointers, you can either acquire and manage these yourself, or Freetimers can purchase and manage the domain name(s) on your behalf, which is what we do for the majority of our clients. We will take care of the name servers, the renewals and management of the domains. We will also ensure it is owned by you, which we find is not always the case with other providers.
You can have two types of content for a web site, Static and Dynamic, A static site is exactly that, the content does not change, you may be able to use simple contact methods, but wehen you want to change content, you have to recode the HTML files and this can take some time. Conversley a Dynamic web site uses completley different methods, content can be stored in a database and pages are built as and when they are needed, a single page can change its own content to display the database data. You can also interact more with a dynamic web site, content can be passed back and forth between site and user.
If you use Outlook, please be sure that you select the option for - Outgoing SMTP Server Requires Authentication. This is required by our server security now. You may get rejected mails containing the following: 'Sorry. Although I'm listed as a best-preference MX or A for that host, it isn't in my control/locals file, so I don't treat it as local. (#5.4.6)' Authenticating SMTP server will resolve this problem.
Either your domain is out of disk space, or your e-mail address itself is disabled. You will need to increase the amount of disk space to receive mail again. You may need to contact your ISP to check this. How can the email go over quota? The last message may have been large, or the quota may have been decreased while the email account was at its current size
Make sure your username is the full email address and that the password is typed correctly. Also make sure that you are connected the the Internet or network by testing the webmail option.
If you can receive mail but aren't able to send your internet provider may be blocking you from using anyone's outgoing mail servers but their own. You will still be able to send emails, but only by using your ISP's outgoing mail server, for example for BT lines.
For both incoming and outgoing mail server, put: The incoming (POP3) port number is 110. For IMAP this is port 143. The outgoing (SMTP) port number is 25
POP3 - Short for Post Office Protocol version 3, POP3 is the most common protocol for receiving email messages. An email server stores messages that have been sent to you until you use your email client to retrieve them using POP3. IMAP - This stands for Internet Message Access Protocol. This is an email service that enables you to access your email client and your POP email account from different locations and different computers, such as a mobile phone and a desktop PC.
The most common reason is the size of the attachment. If you're sending a 10mb or larger attachment it may fail because it is too much for your Internet Connection. Your best option is to zip your attachment.
Yes we can! Freetimers offers a range of first-class and very competitive website hosting options, based in strategic locations around the world, from just a few pounds per month.
Freetimers can host, manage, secure and market your website and offer support contracts to help you with problems and correct faults, should they arise.
A dedicated hosting service allows the customer to lease the entire server for their sole use. This may allow them to place one or more of their own websites on one server and can permit individual security and PCI (Payment Card Industry) settings for that entire server.
If you have a Domain name, what you need now is real estate, the address of your web site might be the domain name but you need server space from which to show your site. Think of a Web Hosting Company as a type of landlord, they rent physical space on their servers allowing webpages to be viewed on the Internet where you can show off your wares, make sales, run a blog, offer downloadable files, share photos and much more.
Unlimited e-mail, POP3, aliases and autoresponders Content Management access and training Unix or NT servers Dynamic programming - PHP, ASP, Perl and more Integrated MySQL database and site statistics Free use of our Digital Certificate Unlimited domain pointers allowed.
Freetimers support can deal with your request more quickly if you can provide your name, the name of your website, your phone number, any errors that the fault brings up and notes of anything you have done to check or fix the fault. If you are contacting us by email, please put your domain name and a short description of the fault in the subject and include screen shots of the problem or error messages. Provide as much detail as possible, including the page names the problem relates to and your browser type and revision number.
<p>For all chargeable support Freetimers' current standard pricing for web developers or programmers is £80 per hour, chargeable normally in quarter hour increments. Clients with SLA level support contracts will receive 5% off these rates. For significant regular support requirements further discounts may be able to be agreed.</p>
Our support service offers you reassurance and insurance in case of faults on the server or your website and problems with email configuration and operation. Clients without Support Contracts will be charged at our standard rates for all work completed out of warranty (typically 90 days from live) irrespective of cause.
Basic Support - No Service Level Agreement<br />
Enhanced Support - With Service Level Agreement<b r/> Standard - Aims to notify a functional solution within a working day and a full fix within two days. <br />
Rapid - Aims to notify a functional solution within four hours and a full fix within a working day.<br />
Priority - As per rapid but with 24 hour emergency number and priority response
To contact Freetimers support, you can email at any time, or telephone 01604 633585 within office hours. Note that voice mails and emails received out of hours will be dealt with as soon as they are picked up, normally the next working day.
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